A High Resolution (3km) Reanalysis Database for Mediterranean Coastal Winds = Downscaled from ERA5, using the WRF Model

David. Gal, Department of Maritime Civilizations and the Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Haifa 3498838, Israel, dgal11@campus.haifa.ac.il



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under the University of Haifa community with the following DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7337129


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Figure 1 – The coverage of the produced 3km domains


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Listing of parameters available in the grib files

APCP Total Precipitation [kg/m^2]:surface

CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]:180-0 mb above ground

CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg]:surface

CIN Convective Inhibition [J/kg]:180-0 mb above ground

DLWRF Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]:surface

DSWRF Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:surface

GFLUX Ground Heat Flux [W/m^2]:surface

GUST Wind Speed (Gust) [m/s]:10 m above ground

HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:level of adiabatic condensation from sfc

HGT Geopotential Height [gpm]:planetary boundary layer

HPBL Planetary Boundary Layer Height [m]:surface

LHTFL Latent Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]:surface

NSWRF Net Short Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:surface

PBLREG Planetary Boundary Layer Regime [-]:surface

PLI Parcel Lifted Index (to 500 hPa) [K]:30-0 mb above ground

PRES Pressure [Pa]:level of adiabatic condensation from sfc

PRMSL Pressure Reduced to MSL [Pa]:mean sea level

REFC Composite reflectivity [dB]:entire atmosphere

RH Relative Humidity [%]:2 m above ground

SHTFL Sensible Heat Net Flux [W/m^2]:surface

TCDC Total Cloud Cover [%]:entire atmosphere

TMP Temperature [K]:2 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:10 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:100 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:150 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:200 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:40 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:60 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:80 m above ground

UGRD U-Component of Wind [m/s]:planetary boundary layer

ULWRF Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux [W/m^2]:surface

USWRF Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux [W/m^2]:surface

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:10 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:100 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:150 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:20 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:200 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:40 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:60 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:80 m above ground

VGRD V-Component of Wind [m/s]:planetary boundary layer

VRATE Ventilation Rate [m^2/s]:planetary boundary layer


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